terça-feira, março 08, 2005

O paradoxo de Satanás

Satan Paradox

Sum up of what is told :
A. God created everything.
B. God created Satan (A implies B)
C. Satan disagreed with God, so God punished him.
D. Satan is evil, and he likes to do evil.
E. Satan punishes sinners.
F. God has let the choice to man to do what he wanted to.

From B, I deduce that Satan was a part of God, and that God had a part of evil. Maybe he splited him in 2, so he could be fully good and could control his evil part. Anyway I deduce that from F and B, God is a pervert. He created something evil (never it is told that Satan, as an angel, had any choice, he couldn't think by itself) just to slap him.

From C, D and E, I deduce that God is stupid. I got children. When they are bad, I don't punish them by letting them do the thing they like the best. Is it really a punishment for Satan to torture people while it's the thing he likes the most ?

From E, I deduce that Satan is doing a "good" job, at least useful, because giving rewards (what God does in heaven) is easy, punishing is harder. God is lazy, he lets the hard work to Satan (not so hard cause he likes it). In fact, Satan while punishing the sinners is doing the right thing, he is not evil.

From A and E, I deduce that God is again a pervert. Satan is supposed to spread temptation (still the story of the free choice of humans), but who has shown him this at first ? God created the sins (Satan has no choice, remember, free choice was given only to mankind). So Satan is only doing what God wants, temptating people to see if they believe enough in God to trust God and not him.

All this brings me to conclude : Satan is useful to God, and is not responsible from the bad things he is accused of. He only had a bad father and a hard childhood. God is a perverting (and pervert father), he doesn't want to do the dirty tasks, he criticizes Satan, but Satan only does what God awaits from him. God is stupid.

Agora se por acaso os anjos também estiverem sujeitos à evolução...