sexta-feira, março 31, 2006

Muito Bom


sábado, março 25, 2006

Petition for Abdul Rahman, Citizen of Afghanistan

We, the undersigned, on behalf of Mr. Abdul Rahman, citizen of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, do petition Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, George W. Bush, the President of the United States, all members of the United States House of Representatives, all members of the United States Senate, any and all officials in the United States Department of State, the Secretary General of the United Nations, and leaders of all member nations of the United Nations, as follows:

Whereas, the United States of America and a coalition of freedom-loving nations sacrificed lives and fortunes to remove the former government of Afghanistan from power, and

Whereas, Afghanistan was liberated from an authoritarian regime and given opportunity to establish a peaceful, free, and democratic republic, and

Whereas, Article 2 (2) of the newly-adopted Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan guarantees freedom of religion and religious expression, and

Whereas, the Preamble of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan endorses the United Nations Declaration of Universal Human Rights, which in Article 18 guarantees the individual right to convert from one religion to another, and

Whereas, the clear intent of the adoption of these measures in the new Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was to secure individual human rights, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience, the very rights not observed during Taliban rule,

Be it resolved, we the undersigned, do protest the arrest and trial of Mr. Abdul Rahman for the alleged “crime” of converting from Islam to Christianity, punishable by death, and do urge and call upon President Hamid Karzai and the governing authorities of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to immediately release, acquit and exonerate Mr. Rahman in accordance with the aforementioned Constitutional principles; further, we do urge and call upon the Executive and Congressional leaders of the United States of America, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the leaders of all other member nations to exert the utmost diplomatic pressure upon the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to swiftly achieve the same.

A Petição aqui.

Etiquetas: ,

domingo, março 19, 2006


Of course, this new-found maturity that I've recently found also means that I am no longer within the "Marketing Demographic" of most corporations, and therefore my opinions have now become obsolete. Meh... the horrors of growing old aren't all physical. MEH!!! MEH!!! MEH!!!

sábado, março 18, 2006

The Constutition...or the Bible?

On Wednesday, March 1st, 2006, in Annapolis
at a hearing on the proposed Constitutional
Amendment to prohibit gay marriage, Jamie
Raskin, professor of law at AU, was requested
to testify.

At the end of his testimony, Republican Senator
Nancy Jacobs said: "Mr. Raskin, my Bible says
marriage is only between a man and a woman.
What do you have to say about that?"

Raskin replied: "Senator, when you took your
oath of office, you placed your hand on the Bible
and swore to uphold the Constitution. You did
not place your hand on the Constitution and
swear to uphold the Bible."

The room erupted into applause.

Às vezes gostava de ter o sangue frio e o raciocinio rápido de algumas pessoas. Eu precisaria de pelo menos meia hora para me sair com uma resposta destas...

Etiquetas: ,

quinta-feira, março 09, 2006

Dia da Mulher

Roubo de identidade

Não sei se é intencional ou não, mas um menino chamado João P. anda a assinar comentário com um portugês ainda pior que o meu sobre surf enquanto linka este blog.

Espero que realmente seja alguma distração, mas este blog não não tem nenhum colaborador ou autor chamado João P, eu não percebo népia de surf, e, geralmente, quando link comentários com este blog assino enquanto Narcisista.

sábado, março 04, 2006

A ler

quarta-feira, março 01, 2006

O Carnaval dos homofóbicos

Via Renas e Veados.
